
8 Key Secrets To Consistently Getting Tons Of FREE Publicity

Original price was: ₦3,000.00.Current price is: ₦2,000.00.

8 Key Secrets To Consistently
Getting Tons Of FREE Publicity
– And How To Use It To Send Your
Sales Through The Roof

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Let’s start by clearing up a prominent misconception about publicity. Most people
believe that publicity is so valuable because it’s free. Sorry, but that just isn’t so. Now,
it’s certainly a valuable bonus – but it isn’t the major factor that makes publicity so
CREDIBILITY is what makes publicity such a valuable tool. You see, people today are
far more sophisticated than they’ve ever been when it comes to advertising. They realize
that advertising is paid for. And that companies can buy space to say whatever they wish
about their products and services. Because of this, your potential customers are far more
skeptical then they’ve ever been.
But publicity leaps this hurdle of skepticism. Because publicity cannot be bought, it
appears to be endorsed by the medium that makes your announcement. And since people
tend to trust the media they watch, listen to, or read regularly, they accept your message
as being completely credible.
That’s why publicity can win you many more sales than any form of paid advertising or
promotion. Taking advantage of this accepted state of credibility can result in a windfall
for your company.

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