
Take Control Of Your Life

Original price was: ₦3,000.00.Current price is: ₦2,000.00.

Discover the key to achieving anything you want in life

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Have you ever considered how much more successful you
could be in life if you were able to put absolutely
everything you have into your efforts? Not 25% or 50%,
but EVERY bit of you into achieving your goals?
What could you accomplish? What WOULD you
While you consider these important questions, think
about this too. Did you know that a great many overachievers in life don’t attribute their exceptional abilities
as the main reason for their success, but instead their
ability to master self discipline! That they consider this
mastery of self discipline as the “missing ingredient” that
broke them free from the pack. That this quality gave
them the edge that allowed them to turn their dreams
into reality.

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