
The Empowered Love

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Your practical guide to ion discipline

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Let me tell you, success normally doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, the people who seem to be
able to pull off any kind of success in a very short period of time have actually paid their dues.
That’s right. They weren’t born that way. They had to go through a long process of
disappointment, failure, and yes, pain. If you see a lot of winners around you, it’s because they
put in the time. The good news is, you can do the same.
Discipline is not just about achieving your goals. It’s also about becoming a better person.
Because let’s face it, if given a choice, we’d rather do things that are pleasurable, quick and easy
right here, right now.
Unfortunately, life reserves the biggest rewards to people who would rather wait until they eat
their cookie. If you develop that skill as a little child, you will be able to become a very
successful person indeed.
In fact, in a long term study conducted in the United States, children who were able to delay
gratification by foregoing eating a cookie now, in exchange for a promise of eating two cookies
in the future, turned out to achieve higher levels of career, personal and health success.
Discipline is closely related to how well you do in life. This is not something that you pick up to
solve some sort of problem, and then promptly drop. Instead, this is a key part of you that you
need to invest a proper amount of time, effort and energy in, which will continue to pay
dividends long into the future.

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