
The Ultimate Home Office

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The Ultimate Home Office

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Working at home is a growing phenomenon in the modern workplace. Sta2s2cs
show that the number of people who work at home grows steadily each year. The
term “work at home” usually brings to mind self-employed, entrepreneurs. It’s
true that entrepreneurs make up a sizable por2on of those who work from work
from home. In 2012 (the last year for which figures are available), there were
nearly three million self-employed people regularly working from home on a full2me basis. However, entrepreneurs aren’t the only people working from home.
More and more, tradi2onal business are u2lizing “telecommu2ng” as a way to
keep employees happy and produc2ve while, at the same 2me, keeping overhead
costs down.
Did you know that over 50% of the working public has a job that lends itself to a
work at home situa2on at least some of the 2me? It’s true. In addi2on, nearly 90%
of the working public wants to be in a posi2on to work from home two to three
days a week. These two sta2s2cs, jobs that lend themselves to telecommu2ng and
workers who want to telecommute, have led to a growing workplace
phenomenon. Rou2ne work at home situa2ons, among people who are NOT selfemployed, has grown 103% since 2005 and 6.5% in 2014 alone. This means that
over thirteen million non-self-employed people now work from home on at least a
part-2me basis. That’s nearly 5% of the total workforce. What’s more these
numbers are expected to con2nue to grow in the future.

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