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Video marketing has become one of the highest rising and most
popular traffic generations. You‟ve made the right decision in investing
in this course where you‟ll learn how to get torrents of traffic in just a
few easy steps.
Video Marketing Blueprint is the key to your marketing success. With it,
you will find out how to grow your mailing list, generate massive traffic
to your website, increase the conversion and purchase rate, of course,
so much more.
The best part of video marketing is you can achieve all these by
broadcasting a short video that is not that hard to produce and get a lot
of free traffic from a simple video. I am going to lead you through these
amazing traffic-generating techniques throughout this book.
I believe that most of you had the experience of watching a sales video
in a sales page, or in other social media platforms. And you know how
powerful it is to have videos to do the selling, because nowadays, a
500-word sales letter just doesn‟t cut it anymore. Now, we use a 1 to 2-
minute videos instead.
Here‟s how powerful videos are as a communication tool:
– YouTube has more than 1 billion users all over the world.
– Every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on
YouTube and generate billions of views.
– The numbers of hours people are watching on YouTube each
month is up 50% year over year.
– 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
You can see how powerful it is to have your own videos for marketing
purposes. This is the trend now. People are switching from reading to
watching instead. Without further ado, let‟s move on to the course.
Why is Video Marketing the Right Way to Go?
So now we gather that video marketing is hot and it is the ideal time to
take advantage of this fast growing advertising medium. But why is
video marketing the best option to market your products?
Video is the best approach because the average attention span of a
web user today is measured by seconds. As I‟ve mentioned, people
nowadays are used to have instant access; they want things to be fast.
Visuals always work better than text in this case.
There are tons of information out there on the Internet and many of
which cause the users to have an information overload. If you could
summarize a 3-page website into a 2-minute video, definitely people
would choose to watch it. Why tell when you can show? Users have
the tendency to browse and skip through information.

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