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What Can a Virtual Assistant Do For You?

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If you’re a business owner who is overwhelmed with the amount of work involved
in owning and running a business, you need to know about a new, hot trend that
may be the answer to your Fme management problems – hiring a virtual assistant.
A virtual assistant is usually self-employed and works from a remote home office.
He or she specializes in providing skills to help with social, technical, creaFve and
administraFve business needs.
Virtual assistants don’t fit the mold of a “secretary,” but have a plethora of skills
that can be invaluable to busy professionals and business owners. The fact that
they can work from a remote locaFon means that you won’t have to provide an
office and expensive equipment – saving you money and hassle.
Unless you’re in a huge office environment, where an assistant can be kept busy
assisFng other employees, it just doesn’t make sense to pay for a full-Fme
assistant that may cost from $35,000 to $50,000 per year or more, based on the
experience and skills of the person.
Online business owners, bloggers, website owners and content creators can reap
huge benefits from a virtual assistant because you can hire one for a specific
project or for a certain length of Fme.
For example, you may need to hire someone to answer the phone while you’re
out of town for a week or in a meeFng for an hour. The hours can be worked out
between the VA and the business owner.
You may even want to disconFnue VA services if cash is short or you’re going to
take a hiatus from doing business for awhile. There is usually a contract involved
when hiring a VA, so be sure your parFcular needs are wriXen into the contract
and understood by both parFes.

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