
Waste Management and Control

Original price was: ₦3,000.00.Current price is: ₦2,000.00.

The Truth about Environment, Waste and Landfills

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The average individual produces around 4.3lbs of waste each day. This
amount is 1.6lbs more as compared to most wastes generated back in
year 1960. So, where do all of these go?
Around 55 percent of the total 220 million tons of wastes that have been
produced every year only within the United States normally end up on a
single landfill of more than 3,500. Local solid waste landfills have
become the 2nd biggest source of the human-related methane emissions
within the United States. This accounts for about 22 percent of those
emissions within the year 2008.
Around 2/3 of your total household waste could be composted. When
compost is not the option, vermiposting or composting using worms can
be a well known choice within the apartment settings. In addition to this,
a lot of urban areas are currently gaining increased interest in urban
gardening. You can view around the neighborhoods and communities to
locate those local gardens that might accept food waste from you for
If you go and visit your grocery store, do not forget to carry reusable
bags along with you. A lot of stores may even provide you credits for
carrying your own bag. Even though the amount looks small, it can
eventually add up over the course of one year.
Everyone contributes to the increase of waste in the environment, so
everyone should help in its reduction. Even the smallest effort counts, so
do not hesitate to make your effort be counted.

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